21/08/2018 Morgan South Australia White Dam Conservation Park
Back again, been a bit quiet here, the winter weather has come in and the birds, motivation and light are all a bit scarce, I did manage to do a quick trip back up to Morgan South Australia in search of Red Capped Robins and Splendid Fairy wrens, Sony have recently released their new 400mm f2.8 lens but that is well out of my pay grade and I have been in need of a long lens so I thought I would try out the Sigma 150-600mm Sport lens with the Sigma MC-11 adapter, dosn't do a bad job really, not much use for flying birds but stationary subjects is an option til Sony releases there 200-600mm next year..here are a few images from the trip with that set up.
Red Capped Robin
Red Capped Robin (female)
Splendid Fairy Wren, (in non breeding colors)
Mulga Parrot (male)
Mulga Parrot (female)
Black Kite
Black Kite
Southern Whiteface
White winged Fairy Wren i(n non breeding colors)
Skippy the bush Kangaroo
Was a great day out and well worth the 2.5 hour drive there and back, was a bit of a shame the Fairy Wrens were not in their full breeding colors, must still be a bit early, will head back up there in a couple of months to hopefully get them in full color.
White Dam Conservation Park is located on the Morgan – Burra road, 8 kilometres north west of Morgan. The landscape is flat to gently undulating, with much of the park comprising low open woodland of Black Oak (Allocasuarina cristata) with an understorey dominated by Bluebush (Maireana sedifolia). Other understorey species present include spear grass (Austrostipa sp.), Emubush (Eremophila sp.), Bullock Bush (Alectryon oleifolium), False Sandalwood (Myoporum platycarpum), Quondong (Santalum acuminatum), and Nitrebush (Nitraria billardierei).