29/ 03/ 2021
2021 Birdlife Australia Gluepot Reserve trip 6
Hello again,
Just back from another trip to Birdlife Australia Gluepot Reserve.
Have been in search of a few flight images of the beautiful Major Mitchell’s Cockatoo’s, still havnt’t managed that image I am after so another trip or three will be required, maybe one day?
Thank you very much Deirdre & Ian for you help and information regarding the two birds identification I wasn’t sure about, very much appreciated, looking forward to seeing you soon.
Sony Alpha 1
All these images were captured with my first proper outing with my new Sony A1 camera, all images were captured in jpeg only as I didn’t have the camera profile in my Lightroom catalogue when I did this trip.
I am very impressed so far with the new A1, I skipped the Sony A92 release as I felt it offered me and my style of shooting no benefit, this on the other hand is what I have been hoping for, doing bird photography requires a lot from a camera and lens, we love them (the birds) but they don’t know that so they tend to keep their distance, having a 50MP image with the high frame rate now gives us the chance to not only capture but also have those extra megapixels to crop our images when needed and the auto focus and acquisition of focus is on another level..I am very much looking forward to pushing the limits of what can be done for both myself and this amazing camera in future BIF images
I have been asked quite a bit on social media how it compares to my Sony A9 so I am thinking of doing a review comparing it to my now three year old but very trusty A9, I have extensively used my A9 for a lot of my BIF images in recent years, please let me know if that is something of interest via my contact page?
Gluepot is part of the largest block of intact mallee left in Australia and so the viability of threatened bird populations and other flora and fauna is high. Six nationally threatened bird species can be found on Gluepot Reserve and a further 17 regionally threatened bird species. In all, 190 bird species have been recorded thus far. Gluepot Reserve has a diversity of vegetation communities which support important wildlife other than birds.
I have visited this area a few times now, hope you enjoy some more images from my latest trip?
Collared Sparrowhawk Accipiter cirrocephalus Accipitridae
When 400mm focal length is just too close, this sort of thing is special to witness…these beautiful Raptors are so good at catching a meal.
Collared Sparrowhawk
Accipiter cirrocephalus
Collared Sparrowhawk
Accipiter cirrocephalus
These guys come through the trees so fast in search of prey..
it happens out of nowhere and so fast! the A1 auto focus is nothing short of ballistic, it was able to track this chase scene of this Collard Sparrow Hawk chasing down this Mallee Ringneck Parrot as they went through the trees and branches and break neck speed, if you have ever witnessed this you will understand how fast this all happens, this is just a small burst at 30fps, its a bit hard to see with these compressed images but if you look carefully the Hawks eye is tack sharp even with branches and twigs getting in the way and at full tilt!
Its on!!!
This little Mallee is flying for its life..
The Sparrow Hawk has him in his sights.
Ready for the last thrust…
Not this time…
One lucky Mallee Ringneck lives another day…
Another chance will come for this Sparrow Hawk
The last thing you want to see if your a small bird…
Collared Sparrowhawk
Accipiter cirrocephalus
Collared Sparrowhawk Accipiter cirrocephalus Accipitridae…. they can blast off at crazy angles and speed in search of prey in a blink of an eye.
Collared Sparrowhawk
Accipiter cirrocephalus
Mulga Parrot Psephotus varius…I personaly think these are one of our most beautiful Parrots.
Mulga Parrot
Psephotus varius
Mulga Parrot
Psephotus varius
Mulga Parrot
Psephotus varius
Mulga Parrot’s
Psephotus varius
Mulga Parrot
Psephotus varius
Mulga Parrot
Psephotus varius
Mulga Parrot’s
Psephotus varius
Mulga Parrot
Psephotus varius
Mallee Ringneck Parrot, Barnardius zonarius barnardi
Mallee Ringneck Parrot, Barnardius zonarius barnardi
Varied Sittella
Daphoenositta chrysoptera
Yellow-plumed Honeyeater
Lichenostomus ornatus
White-eared Honeyeater
Lichenostomus leucotis
Jacky Winter
Microeca fascinans
Inland Thornbill
Acanthiza apicalis
Splendid Fairy-wren, in non breeding plumage
Malurus splendens
Spiny-cheeked Honeyeater
Acanthagenys rufogularis
Crested Bellbird
Oreoica gutturalis
Crested Bellbird
Oreoica gutturalis
Jewellery on display, a beautiful Common Bronzewing
Phaps chalcoptera
Common Bronzewing
Phaps chalcoptera
Grey Butcherbird
Cracticus torquatus
Red Wattlebird
Anthochaera carunculata
Major Mitchell’s Cockatoo
Lophochroa leadbeateri
Major Mitchell’s Cockatoo
Lophochroa leadbeateri
Eolophus roseicapillus
Brown-headed Honeyeater
Melithreptus brevirostris
Juvenile Rufous Whistler
Juvenile Gilbert's Whistler in HANZAB, not a nice image at all but was my first sighting of one of these birds.
Australian Magpie
Cracticus tibicen
Many more images to come,….. next trip to “Explore the Mallee” in Vic
A huge thank you to all the Rangers and volunteers who put in all the hard work and up keep for looking after this amazing reserve, such a great place to visit and one I will be looking forward to coming back again soon.
Gluepot is located about 64kms from Waikerie, which is on the Sturt Highway (Highway No. 20) about 200kms from Adelaide.
Visitors should proceed into Waikerie, cross the Murray River on the car ferry and then follow the fingerboards as displayed.
Additionally, there are signposts at the turnoff to Waikerie on the Sturt Highway, at the junction of Taylorville and Morgan-Renmark Roads (10 kms from the ferry), at Lunns Rd, right turn (another 3 kms) at the Christadelphian (Ecclesia) Hall, and on the track into Gluepot.
Distance is 64kms (about 50kms of which is unsealed) and approximate travelling time from Waikerie is 1.25 to 1.5 hours depending on vehicle.
Gluepot email is gluepot@gluepot.org and Rangers (if at the homestead) may be reached on (08) 8892 8600.
Further information about the reserve can be obtained at their twebsite www.gluepot.org.
If passing through Waikerie, information about Gluepot including the status of access roads can be obtained at the Waikerie Visitor Centre (Phone: 85410708) located in the Waikerie Library.